California CALPADS Blog

[CA] Key Takeaways from CALPADS Update Flash #278

Written by Student Data Champion | Jun 14, 2024 9:59:14 PM

The California Department of Education (CDE) recently released CALPADS Update Flash #278, highlighting crucial updates for Local Educational Agency (LEA) representatives. Below are the summarized takeaways:

1. Purging of Former Foster Youth Report

  • Report Update: Report 5.9 – Former Foster Youth – Student List will be refreshed after the weekly upload on July 1, 2024.
  • Current Data Only: The report will include only students who are current foster youth or ceased being foster youth in the current academic year.
  • Historical Records: LEAs must download the report as a CSV file or save a copy before June 30, 2024, if they need historical data for the 2023–24 academic year.

2. Direct Certification Counts Preparation

  • Download Results: LEAs should download Direct Certification results by June 30, 2024, to track students directly certified by CALPADS in the 2023–24 year.
  • Exit Reason Codes: Students exited with codes other than E155 (Year End Enrollment Exit) or E156 (Grade 12 Continuing) will not be included in direct certification matching until new enrollment records are posted.
  • Certification Counts Impact: Counts may be lower than expected until new enrollments are submitted.

3. End-of-Year Submission Reminders

  • Certifying Title I Programs: Schools must identify their Title I program status (Schoolwide Program (SWP) or Targeted Assistance School (TAS)) by certifying the form in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS).
  • Winter Submission Window: While the window is closed, the form titled “2023–24 Title I, Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program” remains open for certification to meet CALPADS requirements.
  • Certification Deadline: LEAs should certify SWP statuses before the July 26, 2024, deadline to avoid issues with End-of-Year (EOY) 2 submission.
  • Error Prevention: LEAs without SWP authorization must submit Title I Targeted Assistance Program records to avoid fatal certification validation error CERT097.

These updates ensure that LEAs manage their reporting and certification processes efficiently, maintaining compliance with state requirements.

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