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[CA] OCR Announces New CRDC Dates For 2023-24 Data Collection

In a letter to superintendents, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education has recently acknowledged the completion of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for the 2021-22 school year. This initiative plays a crucial role in promoting educational equality and excellence across the United States. Here are the essential points and future directives from this update:

  • CRDC Significance:

    • The CRDC serves as a vital resource, offering insights into educational opportunities and disparities in public schools nationwide. It supports the work of policymakers, educators, and researchers by providing detailed, actionable data.
  • Public Accessibility of CRDC Data:

    • Data from the 2020-21 CRDC has been made publicly available and can be accessed online. This transparency allows for widespread analysis and benchmarking, aiding in efforts to address educational inequities.
  • Upcoming CRDC Data Collection for 2023-24:

    • The next CRDC cycle will cover the 2023-24 school year, with every public local educational agency (LEA) and school expected to participate. It's crucial for LEAs to prepare by organizing and retaining relevant data for smooth submission.
  • Scheduled Dates for CRDC Submission:

    • The submission period for the 2023-24 CRDC is tentatively set to open on December 9, 2024, and close on March 7, 2025. LEAs should mark these dates and prepare accordingly.
  • Resources and Support:

    • The OCR provides numerous resources and tools via the CRDC website and the CRDC Resource Center. Additionally, technical support is available through the CRDC Partner Support Center for any inquiries or assistance needed during the data submission process.
  • Future Planning:

    • Information about the 2025-26 school year CRDC will also be released in the coming months, emphasizing the ongoing commitment to monitoring and promoting equal educational opportunities.

CRDC Data Submissions utilizes data that is also submitted for CALPADS.  Click here to learn more about MeasureED's CALPADS Support services!