California CALPADS Blog

[CA] CALPADS Update Flash #281: District of Choice and Data Reporting

Written by Student Data Champion | Jun 18, 2024 7:21:42 PM


  • District of Choice (DOC) Program: Authorized by California Education Code (EC) Sections 48300-48316.
  • Participation: Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) must register with the California Department of Education (CDE) and their County Office of Education (COE).
  • Current Status: 44 LEAs are designated as DOCs.
  • Non-DOC LEAs: If your LEA is not a DOC, this update can be disregarded.

CALPADS Data Reporting Requirements

  • DOCs Reporting: Must submit data to CDE through CBEDS-ORA and CALPADS.
  • Purpose: CDE uses this data for annual reports to the Legislature, Department of Finance, and the Legislative Analyst’s Office.
  • Student Demographic Data: Most reporting requirements are met through data already submitted by LEAs.
  • Specific Fields for DOC Program:
    • Field 1.30: Student School Transfer Code with code 4 – District of Choice.
    • Field 1.31: District of Geographic Residence.

SENR0320E3 Re-enabled on June 18, 2024

  • Previous Status: SENR0320E3 was disabled to confirm the need for the District of Residence for non-DOC transfers.
  • Current Status: Re-enabled on June 18, 2024, to ensure Field 1.30 is populated for DOC transfers.
  • Conditions for Populating Fields:
    • Students must have an enrollment status of primary or short-term AND
    • The student's most recent prior enrollment must be in a different California public school district.

Handling Non-DOC Transfers

  • Field 1.30: Should be populated with an appropriate transfer code, often code 6 – Other Transfer.
  • Definition of Code 6: Includes various types of transfers such as:
    • Voluntary transfers to a county office of education school.
    • Transfers due to parents' employment in the area that established residency.
    • Transfers specified in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
    • Transfers to charter schools outside the district of residence.
    • Natural matriculation or other residency establishment transfers.

Additional Resources

  • CALPADS User Manual Troubleshooting Page: For descriptions of validations and strategies for correcting fatal Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs).

This update ensures accurate reporting and compliance with the DOC program, providing necessary details for proper data entry and troubleshooting in the CALPADS system for DOCs.

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