The California Department of Education recently released the CALPADS Update Flash #279, providing...
[CA] Takeaways from CALPADS Update Flash #280: EL Errors & TK Grade
[CA] Takeaways from CALPADS Update Flash #280: EL Errors & TK Grade
The California Department of Education’s CALPADS team has issued an important update that includes modifications to the validation process for student enrollment data and a reminder about enrolling Transitional Kindergarten (TK) students correctly. Here are the main points:
SENR0654E3 Validation Modification
- The validation SENR0654E3 checks for the accuracy of the Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12, which is crucial for English Learners (ELs).
- This validation had been triggering on all students, not just ELs, and was causing unnecessary errors.
- The validation will now trigger only for the most recent Student Information (SINF) record for EL students enrolled in 2023-24.
- This change aims to reduce the number of records triggering the validation.
Action for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs):
- If an enrollment record triggers SENR0654E3, LEAs need to update the SINF record.
- Ensure that:
- Field 2.36 (Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12) is populated with a date no later than the student's earliest enrollment date in CALPADS.
- Field 2.04 (Effective Start Date) is correctly populated:
- For records within the LEA, use the Enrollment Start Date such that it matches the Effective Start Date.
- For records inherited from another LEA, submit a new SINF record with the Enrollment Start Date such that it matches the Effective Start Date.
Enrolling Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Students
- LEAs need to enroll TK students under the grade level code TK, not KN (Kindergarten).
- Proper enrollment ensures accurate grade level counts.
- It prevents TK students from being inappropriately tested due to recent changes in the law.
Impact of Incorrect Enrollment:
- Assembly Bill 2268 exempts TK students from taking certain assessments (Initial ELPAC/Alternative ELPAC and summative ELPAC/Alternate ELPAC).
- Incorrectly enrolled TK students in grade KN will appear in the Testing Operations Management System (TOMS) as needing these tests.
Action for LEAs:
- Review certification report 1.21 – Cumulative Enrollment – Count to ensure TK students are correctly placed in grade level TK.
- Update any records of TK students incorrectly placed in grade KN.
- Take steps to ensure future TK students are enrolled correctly.
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