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[AZ] Summary of October 1 AzEDS Enrollment Data for Fiscal Year 2025

On June 10, 2024, the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) has released a memorandum detailing the importance and process of submitting October 1 enrollment data for fiscal year 2025. The memo was titled:  October 1 Enrollment Data for Fiscal Year 2025.  Below are the key takeaways presented in concise bullet points:

Importance of October 1 Enrollment Data

  • Compliance and Reporting: This data ensures compliance with federal reporting and program requirements.
  • Funding and Eligibility: Accurate data is crucial for managing eligibility and funding for limited federal dollars.
  • Statistical Basis: It serves as the basis for general population statistics about Arizona schools.
  • Accountability: Used for internal and external reports such as statewide dropout rates and identifying student subgroups.

Data Collection and Submission

  • Data Sources: Schools, charter schools, and public education agencies (PEAs) submit data via their respective student information systems (SIS) to ADE.
  • Integrity Check: Data must pass integrity checks in the AzEDS system.
  • Types of Data: Enrollment, attendance, program participation (including special education and English learner programs).


  • Final Submission Date: December 11, 2024, by 5:00 PM.
  • Review and Correction: Schools must review and correct any data inaccuracies before this deadline.
  • Consequences: Late or inaccurate data submissions can delay or reduce state and federal funding.

Required Reports and Grants

  • Relevant Data Reports: Specific AzEDS reports required include:
    • OCT1 for Student Enrollments
    • OCT1 & SUPP72 for Income Eligibility 1 and 2
    • SPED73 for Special Education Disabilities and Programs
    • EL71 and EL74 for English Learner Program Participants
  • Grants Impacted:
    • ESEA Consolidated Grants (Title I, Title II, Title IV-A, Title V-B)
    • Title III for English learners
    • IDEA Entitlement Grant
    • ESS October 1 Data Collection

Support and Contact Information


  • Optimization Efforts: Accurate data submission optimizes funding and benefits educational programs for students and teachers in Arizona.

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